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Recycling with Repak: RRW 2007 Day 5 - Repak Recycling Awards

The best practice accolade in the hospitality sector was presented to Fitzgerald's Woodland House bHotel/b in Adare, Co. Limerick while Lakeland Dairies won Repak Member of the Year by reducing its landfill from 717 tonnes to 28 tonnes, ... Repak continued to acknowledge recycling among the youth by naming Aglish NS in bCappoquin/b, Co. Waterford Recycling School of the year. St. Catherine's College Armagh won young recyclers of the year (junior section) for their project: ...
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lukashenka calls for an end to waste, chavez on the way, arms b.../b

situated on prime real bestate/b and a stone's throw from the us embassy, it bears the insignia of chabad-lubavitch. yet this particular chabad synagogue and community center is strikingly different from its neighbors in the belarusian ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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